Clown, Acrobat & Juggler

Dr Kronovator’s Fire Laboratory

Wander through a vista of flames and chemical reactions made all the more exciting and intriguing through an evocative and informative soundscape. Dr. Kronovator’s Fire Laboratory is a stunning interactive environment with ingenious fire installations for audiences of all ages.

At the centre of the Fire Laboratory Dr. Kronovator and his team prepare their experimental flame and steam-powered contraptions that audiences are invited to activate. The fire laboratory runs for three hours during an evening, with the option of further consecutive nights. Depending on the site, the fire laboratory can be ticketed to control numbers or generate income. It can hold between 200 – 300 people at any one time.

The Fire Laboratory has been created for festivals and seasonal events by EEA in association with Lightfires. Please contact us for booking information.


Full of contraptions spitting fire like a homemade Mad Max set

– The Guardian

A complete overload of the senses

– Audience member, Bournemouth