Clown, Acrobat & Juggler


In Stravinsky’s ballet burlesque, three puppets are brought to life by their sadistic puppet-master – the delicate ballerina, the coarse but warm-hearted muscleman and the clumsy clown Petrushka. Continuously exhibited and tortured by his master, Petrushka finally manages to escape. Yet his long-yearned-for freedom does not last long.

Tiago Alexandre Fonseca, as the title character, impressed both with facial expressions evoking Expressionist silent films and daring moves such as looping his ankle in a rope and hanging upside

– Rebecca Schmid, in Classical Voice America

Yet it was the tireless performance of Tiago Alexandre Fonseca in the title role which gave the staging its humanity. With an expressive face and a physical prowess that would have kept him employed during the silent film era, Mr Fonseca delivered a tour de force of rope climbing, trampolining and running through nightmare worlds, all while conveying the high emotional stakes of his attempted escape.

– Jesse Simon, in Mundoclá

Fonesca has the rustic sleight-of-hand of Charlie Chaplin with the added bonus of actually looking like a young Stravinsky.

 in Bachtrack